Saturday, February 14, 2009

Too skinny?

It's been a longstanding trend that dancers are really skinny. But when is it time to say, "That's enough"?

I say now. Dancers, ballerinas in particular, seem to be getting skinnier and skinnier. It seems like, the less amount of fat that you have on your body, the more successful you will be in the dance world. It's really sad. The more ribs you can see the prettier, and more graceful you are, according to societal standards, and then those girls are the ones that get the jobs.

I think that this is ridiculous. There should be more representation of normal, healthy girls in the world, especially in the dance world, so that girls do not have to starve themselves in order to fit in. Women these days need to know that they are beautiful, no matter what size they are, not pressured into becoming thinner and thinner. It's nice to be thin, but being healthy is even better.

So, what I'm getting at is that dancers should take a stand and not starve themselves for a change. I think that companies should make sure that their dancers are skinny only because they are really healthy before they hirer them. Our country is obviously in a great state of change, so why not change this while we're at it??